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You Are Being Robbed of Your Womanhood

Modernist society is proving to be a modern day Hitchcock horror. Frankenstein people, frankenfood and the frank dissolution of a sane and exemplary model of male and female unity and cultural identity are imploding in its path.

Facts and truths concerning gender differences have been distorted into grotesque heresies, and the idiocratic grain for traditionalists like myself, is to walk among a fringe tightrope without a net, with your critics on the ground beneath you wailing for you to slip.

Anyone who dares to tell the truth will be castigated, disemboweled and thrown into the lake of fire. You can look at my last post on the manosphere and see that the more the truth reveals itself, the more the disbelief and horror shred like shrapnel.

Today, I will experiment with how to once again rouse the rabble while wearing my kevlar and hoping for the best.

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Since this blog 3 years ago, I have done nearly a complete 180 in terms of my waxing and waning periods of moronic “moralism”. There is a culture of “politically correct” subversion that has permeated and subdued male and female value-based systems, and it has transformed the landscape of gender relations into a catastrophic dystopian nightmare.

When I began this blog, I felt as though I had an obligation to “progress” with modern society, and I had to relegate some of my ideas and principles along the beltway of acceptance and tolerance to reign in what can only be summarized as moral insanity.

People attempt to comment on this blog (I censor things that are vile and disgusting) uttering things that I find ethically, mentally and socially outrageous – and people will attest to you that I’m the one who’s a nutbag for not ushering in what I would have to describe as unimaginable filth.

I’ve always been a traditionalist. I’ve always been a Christian woman who believes in marriage, family and unity in Christ. But I was naive and felt that perhaps I could use a thorough self-examination and should make an attempt to morally redefine my convictions. And I was wrong on every level. I was never perfect and will never be, nonetheless, my convictions have remained.

Vigilante feminists have taken shots at me since day one. That is an indication of the fringe group upon which I reside, often very much alone, and woefully disgusted at why I’m constantly being emailed by bitter, 46-year old women who are being lied to, and of whom are lying to themselves about why they’re still single.

The question is, do any single 46-year old women really want to hear the truth?

What is Modern Feminism?

I should first espouse why modern feminism was created. Despite what has been ingrained haphazardly into becoming the cultural norm, modern feminism is a social engineering hoax designed to dissolve perceptions of womanhood, marriage, the family unit and gender identity as they pertain to human relationships.

Feminism is a crafty and insidious societal plan to dismantle male and female gender identification by:

  • Getting women out of the house and into the workforce to pay taxes
  • Create an atmosphere of pitting “woman against man” to discourage marriage and child rearing
  • To ruin the female image of chastity and femininity, as well as wholesomeness and grace
  • To encourage a culture of despair evolving around materialism, promiscuity and broken spiritedness

A former reader of mine who found my traditionalist views to be distasteful once said:

“I wouldn’t trade anything for being able to work my way up the corporate ladder. But it is hard to find a relationship.”

I said, “Of course you don’t have time for a relationship, you’re too busy working.”

Despite these sorts of numerous hackneyed claims supplanted by feminists, common sense paints a clearer and more disastrous picture.

  1. What woman truly wants to be single, 40 and working 60 hours a week coming home to an empty bed, 10 cats, Xanax and a multi-speed vibrator?
  2. Why do women splay and pedestalize themselves in an affront to men based on their career, education and acrobatic abilities in the bedroom, instead of concentrating on what men very much desire – a loving, caring, feminine woman who offers herself to him in humility and grace?
  3. Why do women treat sex as a drunken pastime, as much as an obsession and a civic duty? Is this truly what women aspire to? To be the next thing up from a guy’s fleshlight instead of being the woman he wants to marry?

If the best thing women can hope for to rise out of feminism is to be driven into the arms of spinsterhood by wasting their better years being a cash register and a place for multiple strangers to stick their penises, then this is prophetic of what feminism is designed for.

The truth is, men don’t care about your career, your techniques in the bedroom nor how much money you earn. They care about your ability to love.

Feminism is a Joke and the Joke’s on You, Deary

“I’m late 20-ish and I want to wait a few more years before I settle down and get married. I want to have a career first.”

Fair enough. However, one must allow himself to think in terms of biology and common sense. The media and the idiot box hypnosis sessions streaming into your living room will have you believe you have all the time in the world. Some wrinkle cream here, some breast augmentation there and a few “Pink” designer track suits will disguise the fact that you’re on the peak tail-end of your youth and desirability.

I just had my 35th birthday and I will attest to you this is when women truly start to deteriorate physically, and at a more rapid and incremental pace in terms of physical appearance. 35 is a “wall” for many women and it’s just dastard foolishness to deny nature’s wrath. A woman who is 35 is vastly different than the woman who is 21 – and vastly overvalued by delusional feminist dogmatists.

There is a fundamentally biological reason women look ripe and irresistible when they are young, because when they are young, they are ripe and irresistible. Many of my readers are devastatingly gorgeous young women. They have their pick and choose, yet they are choosing to throw their best years out the window into the sea of competitiveness beholden by their peers, surrounding themselves in self-grandiosity, jadedness and animosity towards men and relationships.

You are being indoctrinated to believe that seeking material wealth, a fabulous career and a pompous PhD college education will suffice for a loving husband when you’re 45-years old, saggy, sick in the hospital and have man-loathing bitterness issues from here to Christmas.

Here’s a shocker:

Men don’t put aging women on a pedestal, and especially not bitter, misandric aging women. And if you have a lot of arrogant, imbecilic pride upon which you are aging and of which you believe you still rightfully belong on a pedestal, then it’s safe to say you are getting what you probably deserve.

Women DO Create Societies by Building Them

They say men build societies, and they do. But women are 100% impartial to that. In fact, society depends on women for it to be sustainable and to flourish – by doing what women are designed to do.

We are compassionate. We are kind. We love and we nurture. We are what makes the world whole, and without us as graceful stewards of our biology and design, there can be no life, nor any hope.

We’re the first to generously offer to feed and pet the neighbor’s dogs while they’re away on vacation. We babysit our best friend’s kids because they’re like our own family, and we want them around filling our cups with the preciousness and joy they bring. We smile and compliment strangers and transform their terrible Mondays to allow a bit of enjoyment, all because we get to look pretty and illuminate the world. Best of all, we radiate love.

Women have tremendous power. We are givers of life because we raise families and inspire our men to go out and be hardworking and ambitious. With a little planning and unyielding love in accord with our innate sense to create balance and structure, we nurture everyone around us with our delicateness, stability and strength – a woman’s love is boundless and is the starting point for all human greatness and accomplishment.

To deny our ability to what we do as women is to deny nature and a promising cohesive unity with ourselves and among our men, who are in desperate need our love – and of whom we owe it and for which our future and society depend.

You have to ask yourself if feminism has done the best for you and your place in society, since the “Women’s Movement” of the 1960′s to recent history paints a very different and horrifying picture. Single women of every age, color and stripe are sobbing uncontrollably under the stars tonight – and the whole of society is suffering terribly for it.

I feel it is my duty to honor a traditional set of principles that has rewarded me with great happiness, a life of peace and prosperity and wealth in terms of a satisfying family and home life – every man and woman wants that for himself, if not now, they will inevitably and eventually. Time waits for no man and you can’t keep convincing yourself you can continue to wait while nature in all its cruelty beats on you the steady hand of mortality.

Modern feminism is a travesty of unimaginable proportions – especially since your $75,000 indentured slave college degree and your overblown ego aren’t going to keep your bare tootsies warm at night. And they certainly aren’t going to hold your hair back when you’re 62 with your breasts cut off vomiting the chemo and radiation.

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